Two Men and a Lady

Jun 26, 2022    Minister Philip Thompson

On Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Tammy Long reminded us that the coming of the Holy
Spirit meant that God's kingdom plan for a community of believers had begun, and the challenge
we have is to live into Pentecost." On Baccalaureate Sunday, Minister Ashley'Watson built on
the theme of living into God's kingdom plan, and we looked at what Success means in God's
eyes, based on the life of Jeremiah; success is having a character of obedience and faithfulness,
by doing what God has told us to do, no matter the outcome or cost. As we commemorated
Juneteenth and Father's Day, Rev. Murphy's message reminded us that we are here because
those who came before us persevered, held fast to God, and received God's reward in blessing.
God's purpose for our lives can easily become disconnected from the things we do in the normal
course of living. Living into God's purpose for our life is not something that is separate from our
role as a husband or wife, a son or daughter, a brother or sister, an uncle or aunt, a neighbor, an
employee, or a member of a church. In each of these roles, the challenge of living into Pentecost
confronts us. It is in the everyday ordinary roles and places of our lives that the gifts, power, and
passion from God are manifest. There, we experience God's success because God is at work. We
are looking at biblical examples from the lives of "Two Men and a Lady." Let's explore how the
Holy Spirit ignited and transformed everyday people in everyday situations and challenges, but
experienced extraordinary outcomes to achieve God's Kingdom purposes...