Story Matters
You are invited to think about a compelling story you have heard recently that is still on your mind. Perhaps it is a movie, a book, a testimony you have heard, a sermon illustration that stuck with you, or a commercial. Even commercials have become compelling little stories. Sometimes you have to wait until the end to even know what is being sold. Stories touch our hearts and our heads. Stories can inspire us, challenge us, encourage us, and let us know we are not the only ones. These stories speak to us in a language that we can relate to. In this message, we will embark on a journey through the biblical text of Acts 15. Let's follow the storyline, characters, dialogue, conflict, plot, and setting. As we absorb Acts 15, let's notice the power of the story. The leaders of that day were witnesses and participants as God's story was unfolding around them and through them. God's stories are also around us, and God's stories are snapshots of what God is doing in our lives and in the world. As we contemplate seeing God in our life, it is our human condition to think we are lacking something essential. However, even at our worse, God still loves us.