Greater Things Ahead: Changing the World
Sermon Quick Summary
At South Bay Community Church, we are entering our final week of annual Prayer and Fasting. In this message, we are continuing our theme of Greater Things focused on Changing the World. The essential truth to anchor us is: God is still in control and gives us confident hope in the present darkness of this broken world. In Daniel's day, the Lord gave King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon victory over King Jehoiakim of Judah bringing many Israelites into slavery in Babylon as a result of the providential judgement foretold to Israel. Unpacking the scripture, Daniel and his friends were ripped from their homeland and taken to the Babylonian empire as captives with attempts to strip them of their identity. There is an important distinction that modern day Daniels Changing the World face the sin of greed, racism, and dehumanization. People with God's call on their lives in Changing the World have the lessons from African American history of faith in God's will and ways. Aligning with God can cost social rejection or isolation, professional consequences, public criticism, or personal discomfort. God is with us, whatever the cost. There are five divine invitations to be like Daniel and the countless others who have gone before us to Change the World for Greater Things. 1. Exhale. 2. Listen in Prayer. 3. Align with God's Word. 4. Commit and Stay the Course. 5. Be Courageous.