The Journey of Many: Mini Steps
Sermon Quick Summary
The Beatles released a song called Eleanor Rigby with lyrics to others and ourselves experiencing loneliness; we should speak Jesus to people experiencing loneliness. Jesus is the solution for people experiencing loneliness. Let us unpack the Luke 24 biblical scripture on The Road to Emmaus: (1) Two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus; some scholars believe the other disciple with Cleopas was his wife. (2) Women who were followers of Jesus discovered the empty tomb, which was confirmed by Peter and John. (3) For disciples, the events had defied their expectation that the Messiah would come in power to overthrow Rome and restore Israel’s independence. (4) The resurrected Jesus walks with the disciples, but God prevented them from recognizing Jesus because it is not for us to understand God’s timing. (5) Jesus asked Cleopas and the other follower of Jesus questions, listening to draw out their emotions and inviting them to share their hearts, and then patiently spoke through the biblical scriptures that the Messiah would come as a suffering servant before being exalted. (6) Later that evening Cleopas and the other follower of Jesus sit together for a meal; Jesus blessed and break the bread; the two disciples recognized Jesus who then immediately vanished from their sight. (7) Cleopas and the other follower of Jesus, in a process of many mini steps, had revelation that gave them joy, clarity, and hope. Jesus modeled a beautiful approach to companionship in evangelism. First, Jesus walked with them. Second, Jesus listened before He taught. Third, Jesus revealed truth gradually. Fourth, Jesus created a moment of personal encounter. In our Luke 24 biblical scripture, we see Jesus applying these very same principles of B.L.E.S. S., our church model for evangelism. B is to begin with prayer. L is to listen with care. E is to eat together. S is to serve in love. S is to share your story. The challenge in making disciples is taking the next step despite barriers in making disciples. The barriers are emotional barriers, intellectual barriers, and will to surrender barriers. Begin with prayer with God for guidance in speaking Jesus for sharing the good news. Jesus is alive!