Life Reimagined - A Thank Offering
Sermon Resource
Copyright: South Bay Community Church
Sermon Preamble
In this message, we wrap up our series on what it means to live a Life Reimagined. This is a life where, as stewards of the King, we are trusting in the promises of God, to deploy the resources of God, to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God. There is much more to a Life Reimagined than this stewardship definition we have been repeating the past 8 weeks. A Life Reimagined is a life transformed that is radically different from how it was before. There is a cost to living a Life Reimagined. It doesn’t just happen, because ultimately, we have a decision to make to give a Thank Offering. A Thank Offering decision is a sacrifice given to God in thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness for the wonderful things God has done. Thank Offerings keep on giving thanks with your entire life, not just with words. Thank Offerings are also embodied in deeds, vows, promises, and subsequent actions.
Scriptural Text: Romans 12:1-2
Let’s read from two Bible translations of God’s Word. One translation is from the NIV and may be familiar to you. The second translation is from the First Nations Version that is an indigenous translation of the New Testament. We are using the First Nations translation in part to honor Native American History month. This translation is beautifully written in the picturesque, storytelling style of Native American culture.
Read and hear the NIV translation of Romans 12:1-2. “1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Read and hear the First Nations Version translation of Romans 12:1-2.
A Life Reimagined is about a transformation from the inside out
Verse 2 of Romans 12 emphasizes not to be conformed to the pattern of this world. The First Nations Translation offers the exhortation not to permit the world to mold and shape us. The words” mold and shape” are so apt because they suggest outward forces of pressure and discomfort. Being molded and shaped to conform to this world is not who we are meant to be.
Instead, we are invited to let the Creator change us from the inside out as a transformation. Being transformed is allowing God to change us into who God sees us to be as our best, reimagined selves reflecting the beautiful image of God. An illustration is the process of metamorphosis a caterpillar goes through. They start as what we would consider unattractive caterpillars, and then they are transformed into amazingly beautiful butterflies. The two creaturely manifestations could not be more different! A transformation has taken place from the inside out.
A Life Reimagined is more than an external change in our behaviors. The world can change externally, like a chameleon blending with the latest fad or whim. Indeed, the world can look quite golden on the outside, but we know the phrase – “all that glitters is not gold.” A Life Reimagined speaks about a new way of thinking, seeing, and walking. Even more importantly, a Life Reimagined speaks about a new “Why?” for every aspect of our lives.
We are trusting in the promises of God. So our focus and priorities are about accomplishing the mission of God, deploying our resources without fear of worry because God has us. What is the transformation on the inside?
A Life Reimagined happens when we allow God to change the way we think
“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12: 2b NIV). Changing the way we think in renewing our minds puts us on the path that makes God’s heart and our hearts glad. We will be in step with that good, beautiful, and abundant life God wants for us. This is the goal. The process God uses is the renewing of our minds, when we allow God to change the way we think. However, a Thank Offering needs to happen first.
Urgent Appeal for a Thank Offering
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God”(Romans 12:1 NIV). Paul begins with an urgent appeal to us. The NIV says “I urge you.” The First Nations translation says “I call on you.” The New Living Translation says, “I plead with you.” The English Standard Version says “I appeal to you.” In these translations, Paul is making an earnest and heart felt request of the hearers. The request is based on everything Paul has said prior to this verse. “Therefore” means that what Paul is about to say is predicated on the first eleven chapters of Romans. Paul’s teaching are about the love, compassion, goodness, and mercy of God. God sent God’s only Son, Jesus to die for the sins of humanity. This Good News is the love that God has bestowed on us through the gift of Jesus.
Offer our whole being as a living sacrifice
Paul’s audience, the original hearers, would have understood what the First Nation Translation captured. To offer one’s body is to offer your whole being. “I now call on you to offer your whole beings, heart, mind, and strength to the Great Spirit as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12: 1b FNT). Everything is included in the idea of presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. Everything includes our emotions, our thoughts, our desires, our plans, our physical and intangible resources, our energy, and our focus. All that we have, all that we are, and all that we do are all included in our whole selves offered as a living sacrifice.
Offering the living sacrifice of the Thank Offering
Going back to Leviticus, God’s people of Israel had different sacrifices for different occasions and needs. Some sacrifices were offered to draw nearer to God. Some sacrifices were offered to absolve one from committed sins and guilt. In the context of this sacrifice described by Paul, Jews would have recognized this other sacrifice as a Thank Offering. A Thank Offering was a sacrifice given to God for something God had done. It was an expression of gratitude. It was an offering of thanksgiving and praise for God’s faithfulness.
A Thank Offering affirms and strengthens our relationship. The Thank Offering demonstrates appreciation and gratitude of what God has done for us. The gift given and gratitude expressed create a bond of connection between the human and God.
Not to give thanks actually weakens that bond. We see illustrations of this principle in human to human relationships. Have you ever given something or done something for someone, and they did not say, thank you? You did not do it or give it in order to get a thank you, but the lack of even a thank you hurts a little. It dampens the relationship, even if only for a moment.
In response to wonderful things God has done for us, at least give a Thank Offering to God
“Therefore” refers to all the wonderful things God has done for us in Jesus as described in the first eleven chapters of Romans. The least we can do is give a Thank Offering back to God. This is not just a one-time Thank Offering. Instead, it is a living Thank Offering that keeps on giving thanks with all aspects of your life, for the rest of your life.
The Thank Offering presents our lives, not just our words
For God’s people of Israel, a Thank Offering was much more than just saying thank you with words. A Thank Offering was also embodied in deeds, vows, promises, and subsequent action. This biblical principle is reinforced in many scriptures throughout the Bible.
“ I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people . . .” (Psalm 116:17-19 NIV).
“I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you. For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling . . .” (Psalm 50: 14-15 NIV).
“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:14-15 NIV).
Paul appeals for followers of Jesus with the biblical principle to present their bodies as living sacrifices as a direct response of thanksgiving to the mercy and goodness of God. The Thank Offering is with our lives, not just our lips.
“Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:15-16 NAS). A true Thank Offering that is pleasing to God is a sacrifice in both word and deed; they go together.
Life Reimagined is a Thank Offering to God for all God has done for us
We need to know that a Life Reimagined is a Thank Offering to God. We are deploying the resources of God, to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God in thanksgiving as a Thank Offering for all God has done for us.
South Bay Community Church Seed Faith Initiatives as Thank Offerings
As part of stewarding resources, in South Bay Community Church, we gave $150 of seed money to 8 Small Groups to multiply and invest in the Kingdom of God. This is a living parable of the talent (Matthew 25:14-30). Each group shared how they are deploying their resources to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God as a Thank Offering
We have spent the last few weeks talking about a Life Reimagined. We get to be stewards of God’s Kingdom as a gift. God provides for our needs so we can accomplish God’s mission. Life Reimagined has costs. God paid a cost in giving His only Son Jesus for us. He became flesh and sacrificed himself so that we could live a new life, a transformed life, and a Reimagined Life. God gave the greatest gift ever given.
For us, the question is, how will we respond? Will we heed Paul’s words and respond with a Thank Offering with our lives reimagined as a living sacrifice? We’ve heard some ways our Small Groups are seeking to do this in community. What about you?
Here is the link for the Life Reimagined Thank Offering Handout:
Sermon Preamble
-In what ways is a Thank Offering to God more than just words of thanks?
Scriptural Text: Romans 12:1-2
-In what ways, does the First Nation Version of Romans 12:1-2 increase your understanding of Paul’s message to us in Romans 12:1-2?
A Life Reimagined is about a transformation from the inside out
-What outward forces of pressure and discomfort attempt to mold you to this world that should be resisted, and are most prominent in your life?
-How can we renew our minds to refuse the norms of conduct employed by this sinful world? How can we, on the inside, reaffirm the norms of our calling to accomplish the mission of God?
A Life Reimagined happens when we allow God to change the way we think
-Why is it important for followers of Christ to renew their mind continually by going back to their commitment to accomplish God’s mission for the glory of God?
Urgent Appeal for a Thank Offering
-The Old Testament sacrifices when offered were no longer living. The life Christians receive by God’s mercy in the new birth is different. Why is Paul so urgent in his appeal for us to offer our whole being as a living sacrifice? What is pleasing to God as true and proper worship?
Offer our whole being as a living sacrifice
-What is included in the idea of presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice? Is the body presented limited to just our physical bodies? Why or why not?
Offering the living sacrifice of the Thank Offering
-In what ways does a Thank Offering affirm and strengthen the relationship and bond of connection between humans and God? How are Thank Offerings pleasing to God and proper worship? Why?
In response to wonderful things God has done for us, at least give a Thank Offering to God
-Why are Thank Offerings continual lifetime activities, not just one time events?
The Thank Offering presents our lives, not just our words
-How is serving God in a Thank Offering of thanksgiving covering the entire range of our Christian life and activity more than just words? Why is this the proper sequel to worship?
South Bay Community Church seed faith initiatives as a Thank Offering
-How will you respond as a Life Reimagined Steward? What Thank Offerings will you apply accomplishing the mission of God in service to your community?
Sermon Preamble
In this message, we wrap up our series on what it means to live a Life Reimagined. This is a life where, as stewards of the King, we are trusting in the promises of God, to deploy the resources of God, to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God. There is much more to a Life Reimagined than this stewardship definition we have been repeating the past 8 weeks. A Life Reimagined is a life transformed that is radically different from how it was before. There is a cost to living a Life Reimagined. It doesn’t just happen, because ultimately, we have a decision to make to give a Thank Offering. A Thank Offering decision is a sacrifice given to God in thanksgiving for God’s faithfulness for the wonderful things God has done. Thank Offerings keep on giving thanks with your entire life, not just with words. Thank Offerings are also embodied in deeds, vows, promises, and subsequent actions.
Scriptural Text: Romans 12:1-2
Let’s read from two Bible translations of God’s Word. One translation is from the NIV and may be familiar to you. The second translation is from the First Nations Version that is an indigenous translation of the New Testament. We are using the First Nations translation in part to honor Native American History month. This translation is beautifully written in the picturesque, storytelling style of Native American culture.
Read and hear the NIV translation of Romans 12:1-2. “1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Read and hear the First Nations Version translation of Romans 12:1-2.
“So then, my sacred family members, because Creator has shown us such mercy and kindness, I now call on you to offer your whole beings, heart, mind, and strength to the Great Spirit as a living sacrifice. Do this in a sacred and spiritual manner that will make his heart glad. 2Do not permit the ways of this world to mold and shape you. Instead, let Creator change you from the inside out, in the way a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. He will do this by giving you a new way of thinking, seeing, and walking. Then you will know for sure what the Great Spirit wants for you, things that are good, that make the heart glad, and help you to walk the path of becoming a mature and true human being.”
A Life Reimagined is about a transformation from the inside out
Verse 2 of Romans 12 emphasizes not to be conformed to the pattern of this world. The First Nations Translation offers the exhortation not to permit the world to mold and shape us. The words” mold and shape” are so apt because they suggest outward forces of pressure and discomfort. Being molded and shaped to conform to this world is not who we are meant to be.
Instead, we are invited to let the Creator change us from the inside out as a transformation. Being transformed is allowing God to change us into who God sees us to be as our best, reimagined selves reflecting the beautiful image of God. An illustration is the process of metamorphosis a caterpillar goes through. They start as what we would consider unattractive caterpillars, and then they are transformed into amazingly beautiful butterflies. The two creaturely manifestations could not be more different! A transformation has taken place from the inside out.
A Life Reimagined is more than an external change in our behaviors. The world can change externally, like a chameleon blending with the latest fad or whim. Indeed, the world can look quite golden on the outside, but we know the phrase – “all that glitters is not gold.” A Life Reimagined speaks about a new way of thinking, seeing, and walking. Even more importantly, a Life Reimagined speaks about a new “Why?” for every aspect of our lives.
We are trusting in the promises of God. So our focus and priorities are about accomplishing the mission of God, deploying our resources without fear of worry because God has us. What is the transformation on the inside?
A Life Reimagined happens when we allow God to change the way we think
“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12: 2b NIV). Changing the way we think in renewing our minds puts us on the path that makes God’s heart and our hearts glad. We will be in step with that good, beautiful, and abundant life God wants for us. This is the goal. The process God uses is the renewing of our minds, when we allow God to change the way we think. However, a Thank Offering needs to happen first.
Urgent Appeal for a Thank Offering
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God”(Romans 12:1 NIV). Paul begins with an urgent appeal to us. The NIV says “I urge you.” The First Nations translation says “I call on you.” The New Living Translation says, “I plead with you.” The English Standard Version says “I appeal to you.” In these translations, Paul is making an earnest and heart felt request of the hearers. The request is based on everything Paul has said prior to this verse. “Therefore” means that what Paul is about to say is predicated on the first eleven chapters of Romans. Paul’s teaching are about the love, compassion, goodness, and mercy of God. God sent God’s only Son, Jesus to die for the sins of humanity. This Good News is the love that God has bestowed on us through the gift of Jesus.
Offer our whole being as a living sacrifice
Paul’s audience, the original hearers, would have understood what the First Nation Translation captured. To offer one’s body is to offer your whole being. “I now call on you to offer your whole beings, heart, mind, and strength to the Great Spirit as a living sacrifice” (Romans 12: 1b FNT). Everything is included in the idea of presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice. Everything includes our emotions, our thoughts, our desires, our plans, our physical and intangible resources, our energy, and our focus. All that we have, all that we are, and all that we do are all included in our whole selves offered as a living sacrifice.
Offering the living sacrifice of the Thank Offering
Going back to Leviticus, God’s people of Israel had different sacrifices for different occasions and needs. Some sacrifices were offered to draw nearer to God. Some sacrifices were offered to absolve one from committed sins and guilt. In the context of this sacrifice described by Paul, Jews would have recognized this other sacrifice as a Thank Offering. A Thank Offering was a sacrifice given to God for something God had done. It was an expression of gratitude. It was an offering of thanksgiving and praise for God’s faithfulness.
A Thank Offering affirms and strengthens our relationship. The Thank Offering demonstrates appreciation and gratitude of what God has done for us. The gift given and gratitude expressed create a bond of connection between the human and God.
Not to give thanks actually weakens that bond. We see illustrations of this principle in human to human relationships. Have you ever given something or done something for someone, and they did not say, thank you? You did not do it or give it in order to get a thank you, but the lack of even a thank you hurts a little. It dampens the relationship, even if only for a moment.
In response to wonderful things God has done for us, at least give a Thank Offering to God
“Therefore” refers to all the wonderful things God has done for us in Jesus as described in the first eleven chapters of Romans. The least we can do is give a Thank Offering back to God. This is not just a one-time Thank Offering. Instead, it is a living Thank Offering that keeps on giving thanks with all aspects of your life, for the rest of your life.
The Thank Offering presents our lives, not just our words
For God’s people of Israel, a Thank Offering was much more than just saying thank you with words. A Thank Offering was also embodied in deeds, vows, promises, and subsequent action. This biblical principle is reinforced in many scriptures throughout the Bible.
“ I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people . . .” (Psalm 116:17-19 NIV).
“I am under vows to you, my God; I will present my thank offerings to you. For you have delivered me from death and my feet from stumbling . . .” (Psalm 50: 14-15 NIV).
“Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” (Psalm 50:14-15 NIV).
Paul appeals for followers of Jesus with the biblical principle to present their bodies as living sacrifices as a direct response of thanksgiving to the mercy and goodness of God. The Thank Offering is with our lives, not just our lips.
“Through Him then, let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name. And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” (Hebrews 13:15-16 NAS). A true Thank Offering that is pleasing to God is a sacrifice in both word and deed; they go together.
Life Reimagined is a Thank Offering to God for all God has done for us
We need to know that a Life Reimagined is a Thank Offering to God. We are deploying the resources of God, to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God in thanksgiving as a Thank Offering for all God has done for us.
South Bay Community Church Seed Faith Initiatives as Thank Offerings
As part of stewarding resources, in South Bay Community Church, we gave $150 of seed money to 8 Small Groups to multiply and invest in the Kingdom of God. This is a living parable of the talent (Matthew 25:14-30). Each group shared how they are deploying their resources to accomplish the mission of God for the glory of God as a Thank Offering
We have spent the last few weeks talking about a Life Reimagined. We get to be stewards of God’s Kingdom as a gift. God provides for our needs so we can accomplish God’s mission. Life Reimagined has costs. God paid a cost in giving His only Son Jesus for us. He became flesh and sacrificed himself so that we could live a new life, a transformed life, and a Reimagined Life. God gave the greatest gift ever given.
For us, the question is, how will we respond? Will we heed Paul’s words and respond with a Thank Offering with our lives reimagined as a living sacrifice? We’ve heard some ways our Small Groups are seeking to do this in community. What about you?
Here is the link for the Life Reimagined Thank Offering Handout:
Sermon Preamble
-In what ways is a Thank Offering to God more than just words of thanks?
Scriptural Text: Romans 12:1-2
-In what ways, does the First Nation Version of Romans 12:1-2 increase your understanding of Paul’s message to us in Romans 12:1-2?
A Life Reimagined is about a transformation from the inside out
-What outward forces of pressure and discomfort attempt to mold you to this world that should be resisted, and are most prominent in your life?
-How can we renew our minds to refuse the norms of conduct employed by this sinful world? How can we, on the inside, reaffirm the norms of our calling to accomplish the mission of God?
A Life Reimagined happens when we allow God to change the way we think
-Why is it important for followers of Christ to renew their mind continually by going back to their commitment to accomplish God’s mission for the glory of God?
Urgent Appeal for a Thank Offering
-The Old Testament sacrifices when offered were no longer living. The life Christians receive by God’s mercy in the new birth is different. Why is Paul so urgent in his appeal for us to offer our whole being as a living sacrifice? What is pleasing to God as true and proper worship?
Offer our whole being as a living sacrifice
-What is included in the idea of presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice? Is the body presented limited to just our physical bodies? Why or why not?
Offering the living sacrifice of the Thank Offering
-In what ways does a Thank Offering affirm and strengthen the relationship and bond of connection between humans and God? How are Thank Offerings pleasing to God and proper worship? Why?
In response to wonderful things God has done for us, at least give a Thank Offering to God
-Why are Thank Offerings continual lifetime activities, not just one time events?
The Thank Offering presents our lives, not just our words
-How is serving God in a Thank Offering of thanksgiving covering the entire range of our Christian life and activity more than just words? Why is this the proper sequel to worship?
South Bay Community Church seed faith initiatives as a Thank Offering
-How will you respond as a Life Reimagined Steward? What Thank Offerings will you apply accomplishing the mission of God in service to your community?
Posted in Life Reimagined
Posted in transform, cost, sacrifice, offering, Romans 12, First Nations, inside, external, internal, pleasing, urge, appeal, living sacrifice, Thank, thank, Thank Offering
Posted in transform, cost, sacrifice, offering, Romans 12, First Nations, inside, external, internal, pleasing, urge, appeal, living sacrifice, Thank, thank, Thank Offering
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