Drawing Near to God
Copyright: South Bay Community Church
Sermon Reflections: Drawing Near to God
Date: 24 September 2023
Speaker: Lead Pastor Tammy Long
Sermon Texts: James 4:8, Psalms 16:11
Sermon Reflections: Drawing Near to God
Date: 24 September 2023
Speaker: Lead Pastor Tammy Long
Sermon Texts: James 4:8, Psalms 16:11
Sermon Preamble
Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you in the fullness of joy. If we don’t connect with God in the ways we are wired, we run the risk of stale, boring, or even nonexistence of our connection with God. In last week’s message, Minister Paula Fuller challenged us to make every effort for spiritual growth both horizontally with each other and vertically with God. We need each other to survive and thrive, as illustrated by a forest of Sequoia trees. Minister Fuller gave us a 90-day challenge to explore new spiritual practices in our rhythm of life. While we are growing horizontally as the body of Christ, we are also to be growing vertically in a closer, intimate, and personal relationship with God in fresh and exciting ways loving God with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This message discusses fresh ways to spend more time being with God in unique and customized ways. How do we draw near to God in our own customized and unique way?
How do we connect with God?
Often, we can have a desire to connect with God, but we don’t know how or what to do. Most of us would assert that connecting with God is through bible reading, church worship, prayer, small groups and classes, serving others, and sharing God’s Word. There is a difference between “doing for God” and “being with God.” However, they are linked.
The more we spend time being with God, the deeper we grow in our life with God. Then what we do for God becomes the natural overflow of that love. The more we do for God, the closer to God we can feel. We can also do things for God out of an obligation, out of legalism, fear, desiring to appease God, or a desire to cross a spiritual practice off of our “to do list.” However, that is not really a satisfying relationship for us or for God. There is so much more to our unique, satisfying relationship with God.
God’s invites us to draw near, as God is near to us
God is near and invites us into an intimate relationship. From the very beginning, God demonstrated a desire to be in a personal relationship with us. From Genesis, we learn that God spent time in the garden with Adam and Eve. Genesis 5 tells us how Enoch walked in such close fellowship with God that one day he disappeared because God took him. In Isaiah 41:8, God refers to Abraham as friend. In Exodus 33:11, we read that, “The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” Reading the many Psalms written by David, we recognize the intimacy David shared with God.
Your relationship to God is unique because of the way God made you. “Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you” (James 4:8a). The Psalmist declared, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalms 16:11).
Jesus embodies friendship
Jesus had special friendships with women, as well as men. In Luke 8 Jesus fellowshipped with women, who followed Jesus and funded Jesus’ ministry. Mary, Martha’s sister, was welcomed to sit at Jesus’ feet and enjoyed His presence as she listened to the teachings of Jesus with the males. Jesus had a unique bond with women. This was not done in those days.
Jesus had friendship with the disciples. Jesus made a distinction of intimacy when he told His disciples: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends for everything that I learned from my Father, I have made known to you” (John 15:14-15).
Jesus demonstrated a new intimacy with God
Jesus frequently would go to a solitary place to spend time with God the Father. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus demonstrated the raw honesty and vulnerability of an intimate relationship with God. Jesus asked God if there was any other way, just hours before His crucifixion. Jesus taught His disciples to pray in a new way, beginning with Our Father, applying the intimate trust of the parent/child relationship.
Jesus’ entire life, death, and resurrection was God restoring a close personal relationship with God’s children
Hebrews explains that because of Jesus, we can approach God and directly ask forgiveness from God: “Therefore, brothers and sister, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10:19-22). We can enter and enjoy God’s presence without any barriers, not the barrier of our sinful state, not the barrier of a curtain separating the Holy Place in the temple.
Jesus made it possible for every believer to have a relationship with God that is direct, unique, and personal. We are invited to draw near as friends. We are invited to experience the fullness of joy in God’s presence.
It is a huge gift to be able to draw near to God, the creator of the universe, in such an intimate way that it may get lost on us, and we take it for granted. With the coming of the Holy Spirit to abide with and in us, we commune with God and God with us in a way that surpasses even the experiences of the giants of the Bible we discussed earlier. We have been given a special gift and opportunity to draw near to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in a personal, joyful, fulfilling and loving relationship. That deserves our praise offering of thanksgiving, Amen!
Recognizing a path to draw near to God in a customized and unique way
Think about a time when you felt especially close to God. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and recollections. Perhaps you sensed God’s presence. Maybe you felt a deep peace that passes understanding. Possibly it was a sense of warmth, comfort, or a deep “wellness” in your soul. Perhaps you experienced inexpressible joy, or were moved by beauty, or you felt deeply loved. Maybe you became aware of a truth or insight that inspired you. Conceivably it was an experience that you can’t fully explain, and you didn’t feel particularly churchy, but somehow it felt spiritual, and you were moved by it.
As the Holy Spirit brings an experience or moment to mind, hold it and examine it. What was happening? Where were you? What was the circumstance? Remember it and deepen into it.
Whatever comes up for you is an indication of how God has uniquely wired you to connect with God. If nothing specific has come to mind, that is OK. Keep listening as we explore the unique ways for connecting with God. Perhaps, one or more of them will resonate with you.
“Sacred Pathways - Nine Ways to Connect with God”, book by Gary Thomas
This book is a life changing book that explores nine different spiritual temperaments. It gives us insights into how we are naturally wired to connect with God for an intimate relationship. Just like the uniqueness of our fingerprints, each of us connects with God in our own special way. This message will explore three of the nine temperaments in the pathway grouping called Wonder. Next week’s message will continue with the rest of the temperaments in the pathway groups called Contemplation and Action.
Short assessment of all nine paths on the church website
You are invited and encouraged to take the “Connecting with God” assessment on our church website, www.sobcc.org. It is a short quiz that will give you a profile of where you stand for all nine paths. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself and the mix of paths, since we do not experience just one path of spiritual practices.
We often teach all people to do one set of spiritual practices that look exactly the same. That can lead to trouble because God is much more creative. Spiritual practices will resonate differently.
Three temperaments in the group called Pathways of Wonder
The three temperaments we are exploring today are grouped under what is called the “Pathways of Wonder.” Those with the “Pathway of Wonder” temperaments are followers of Jesus who draw near to God as they experience the joy of God’s presence. They grow to love God more through the wonder, awe, and amazement of who God is, what God does, and all God has made. Perhaps that is you.
Naturalist spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
Naturalists feel closeness and intimacy in creation. Naturalists say, “Let me be outdoors.” They feel closest to God in nature. When they are outdoors, surrounded by what God has made, Naturalists discover spiritual truths and insights as they celebrate God’s majesty, beauty, power, and creativity. Naturalists can feel the breadth of God in a breeze, hear his voice in a babbling brook, and feel God’s intense love in the beauty of a sunrise, a sunset, a meadow, or in a botanical garden. They are able to draw near to God and God draws near to them because God is deeply present and speaks through his creation.
David was a naturalist. Creation was one of the ways he connected with God. David wrote the following Psalm as well as many other Psalms that speak of nature: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth and their words to the world” (Psalms 19:1-4). Recall that David was the one who spoke of green pastures and still waters restoring his soul. Why did they restore his soul? Because he drew near and experienced the Lord his Shepherd in creation.
A poem turned into lyrics written in 1885 by a naturalist Swedish minister became one of the world’s greatest hymns. Verse 1: “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand has made, I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power thru-out the universe displayed!” Verse 2: “When thru the woods and forest glades I wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.” The chorus says it all about his experience of drawing close to God in nature: “Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!”
If we take Minister Paula Fuller’s challenge to heart, what are some things for a naturalist to try in the next 90 days to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way? Suggestions for naturalists are: (1) read your bible and pray outdoors; (2) meditate on the greatness of creation (God’s power, abundance, creativity, and care); (3) go for a walk or hike with God; (4) find a restorative spot and simply be with God as a companion; (5) bring nature indoors; (6) be aware God is present and draw near.
Sensate spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
A Sensate feels closest to God through senses - what they hear, see, touch, taste, or smell. They declare, “Let me experience.”
Henri Nouwen, a Sensate, was a priest, theologian, and prolific writer on the spiritual life. When Nouwen saw a reproduction of Rembrandt’s famous painting, “The Return of the Prodigal Son,” he was stunned by the painting’s power and beauty. Nouwen wrote a book on how the painting touched the deep ongoing yearning of the spirit within him and set in motion a long spiritual adventure that brought a new understanding to his calling and the strength to live into it. That was a spiritual encounter with God through the sense of sight that drew Nouwen closer to God. Others who view the same painting may not experience the same impact. This shows us that God connects with each of us in different ways.
Drawing closer to God can also happen through the senses of sound, touch, smell, and taste. For example, in Ezekiel’s vision, God tells him to eat the scroll symbolizing how the Words of God may be hard to receive, but the words are ultimately so satisfying. “The voice said to me, ‘Son of man, eat what I am giving you—eat this scroll! Then go and give its message to the people of Israel.’ So I opened my mouth, and he fed me the scroll. ‘Fill your stomach with this,’ he said. And when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth” (Ezekiel 3:1-3). Although for Ezekiel, this was a vision and metaphor, some feel closest to God through senses and the physical. A sensate can be moved to joy and the presence of God through art, architecture, music, movement, smells, and body movement. For Sensates, real bread for Holy Communion is a holy and spiritual experience.
In drawing near to God, suggestions for a sensate are: (1) sing or play an instrument to draw near; (2) listen to an audio Bible or beautiful music; (3) memorize scripture by putting it to music; (4) use incense during prayer or bible reading; (5) use a prayer cloth, beads, or prayer object; (6) vary prayer postures or do body prayer; (7) act out scripture or dance; (8) meditate on beautiful art, draw, color; (9) be aware of God’s presence when you say grace and eat slowly.
Traditionalist spiritual temperament in the Pathway to Wonders grouping
Traditionalists feel closest to God through rituals (repetitive structures), symbols (significant images), and tradition (historical significance). A Traditionalist declares, “Let me remember.” Some feel comfort and God’s presence with rituals, symbols, and traditions that have been passes down for centuries, like certain hymns, certain prayer times and church service structures, and the holiness of sacraments, such as baptism and communion. They help us remember and serve as anchors for connecting with God again and again.
Abraham is a good example of a traditionalist who formalized the structure and rhythm of his faith to remember by building altars wherever God led him to go. “The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him. From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord" (Genesis 12:7-8). “So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the Lord” (Genesis 13:18). Traditionalists often connect with God through structures and can feel God’s presence in ways that others may consider too formal or legalistic. That’s why we have to be sensitive to the fact that we all have different ways of connecting with God. What may be meaningful for one, may feel like a ritual for another.
In drawing near to God, suggestions for a traditionalist are: (1) establish a scriptural rhythm reading a Psalm each morning and each night; (2) explore the richness of the Christian calendar – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost; (3) set a daily pattern for a prayer schedule; (4) establish a regular time and place to meet God each day; (5) consider symbols such as art, jewelry, stickers that will help you draw near to God.
Application for Activation
From the beginning of time, God has wanted to be close to creation. God desires a personal and intimate relationship with each one of us, and we are all wired differently in a beautiful mixture of spiritual temperaments. We are not just one thing. That’s how God made us. Jesus made it possible for us to draw near to God and not to get lost or focus on the pathway. We connect with God in a way that draws us near to God’s presence where there is fullness of joy.
When we receive these paths as gifts from God, paths to connect, and draw near because God is always at the center of it all, we find a deepening love relationship and the fullness of joy in God’s presence. You can enjoy nature, get lost in art, and enjoy structure and ritual without God.
Let us make every effort with intentionality; that is our part. The Holy Spirit meets us, calls us, and enables us; that is God’s part.
Sermon Preamble
-What is your testimony about the joy you have felt from knowing the presence of God, the provisions of God, and the opportunity to draw closer to God even in difficult circumstances?
How do we connect with God?
-What did Jesus say is the first and most important commandment? Being near to God and doing for God are both important and linked. When have you experienced the truth that being with God in a closer relationship from drawing near to God in loving God with all your heart, soul, and strength results naturally in doing things for God? Why are some items we feel are “doing for God” not resulting in a satisfying relationship for us or for God?
God’s invites us to draw near, as God is near to us
-When have you experienced yourself drawing closer to God, and God shows that God is intimately close to you?
-We live in a fallen world system in opposition to God. Deism was prominent in the Western World in the years leading up to the founding of the United States. Deism believes that God is the original creator but detached from the world without any active involvement in the world – like a watchmaker that makes the watch and has the watch run on its own. Many Founding Fathers of the United States who were the primary authors of our country’s founding documents were deists, including Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Ben Franklin. Why may it be significant that major founders of the United States believed that God is creator, but not near to us and without active involvement in the world? What is the possible impact of this concept of a far away, detached God on slavery and systems of oppression in the United States?
Jesus embodies friendship
-Why is it significant that Jesus had fellowship with followers (including women) of Jesus characterized by relationship among friends, and not a master-servant relationship? What is the difference?
Jesus demonstrated a new intimacy with God not seen before
-Why does trust, often illustrated by a child trusting the parent, so important in the close relationship between God and the children of God no matter how old they are?
Jesus’ entire life, death, and resurrection was God restoring a close personal relationship with God’s children
-Because of the work of Jesus accomplished in His life, death, and resurrection, in what ways do we have the opportunity to surpass even close relationships of God with Biblical giants that is direct, unique, and personal?
-In what ways can you praise God for the grace of this relationship no matter what in any difficult circumstances?
Recognizing a path to draw near to God in a customized and unique way
-As the Holy Spirit guides your thoughts and recollections to help you recognize a customized and unique path to draw near to God, how did you hold and examine what the Holy Spirit brought to your mind?
Short assessment of all nine paths on the church website
-If you completed the short quiz of all nine paths on the church website, what results of the assessment, if any, did you not expect?
Naturalist spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Naturalist spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Naturalist spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Sensate spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Sensate spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Sensate spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Traditionalist spiritual temperament in the Pathway to Wonders grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Traditionalist spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Traditionalist spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Application for Activation
-What is the difference between activities like enjoying nature, getting lost in art, and enjoying structure and ritual, but without God at the central core of it all, and those activities when God and guidance of the Holy Spirit is the central core of all these activities?
Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you in the fullness of joy. If we don’t connect with God in the ways we are wired, we run the risk of stale, boring, or even nonexistence of our connection with God. In last week’s message, Minister Paula Fuller challenged us to make every effort for spiritual growth both horizontally with each other and vertically with God. We need each other to survive and thrive, as illustrated by a forest of Sequoia trees. Minister Fuller gave us a 90-day challenge to explore new spiritual practices in our rhythm of life. While we are growing horizontally as the body of Christ, we are also to be growing vertically in a closer, intimate, and personal relationship with God in fresh and exciting ways loving God with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. This message discusses fresh ways to spend more time being with God in unique and customized ways. How do we draw near to God in our own customized and unique way?
How do we connect with God?
Often, we can have a desire to connect with God, but we don’t know how or what to do. Most of us would assert that connecting with God is through bible reading, church worship, prayer, small groups and classes, serving others, and sharing God’s Word. There is a difference between “doing for God” and “being with God.” However, they are linked.
The more we spend time being with God, the deeper we grow in our life with God. Then what we do for God becomes the natural overflow of that love. The more we do for God, the closer to God we can feel. We can also do things for God out of an obligation, out of legalism, fear, desiring to appease God, or a desire to cross a spiritual practice off of our “to do list.” However, that is not really a satisfying relationship for us or for God. There is so much more to our unique, satisfying relationship with God.
God’s invites us to draw near, as God is near to us
God is near and invites us into an intimate relationship. From the very beginning, God demonstrated a desire to be in a personal relationship with us. From Genesis, we learn that God spent time in the garden with Adam and Eve. Genesis 5 tells us how Enoch walked in such close fellowship with God that one day he disappeared because God took him. In Isaiah 41:8, God refers to Abraham as friend. In Exodus 33:11, we read that, “The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” Reading the many Psalms written by David, we recognize the intimacy David shared with God.
Your relationship to God is unique because of the way God made you. “Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you” (James 4:8a). The Psalmist declared, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalms 16:11).
Jesus embodies friendship
Jesus had special friendships with women, as well as men. In Luke 8 Jesus fellowshipped with women, who followed Jesus and funded Jesus’ ministry. Mary, Martha’s sister, was welcomed to sit at Jesus’ feet and enjoyed His presence as she listened to the teachings of Jesus with the males. Jesus had a unique bond with women. This was not done in those days.
Jesus had friendship with the disciples. Jesus made a distinction of intimacy when he told His disciples: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends for everything that I learned from my Father, I have made known to you” (John 15:14-15).
Jesus demonstrated a new intimacy with God
Jesus frequently would go to a solitary place to spend time with God the Father. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus demonstrated the raw honesty and vulnerability of an intimate relationship with God. Jesus asked God if there was any other way, just hours before His crucifixion. Jesus taught His disciples to pray in a new way, beginning with Our Father, applying the intimate trust of the parent/child relationship.
Jesus’ entire life, death, and resurrection was God restoring a close personal relationship with God’s children
Hebrews explains that because of Jesus, we can approach God and directly ask forgiveness from God: “Therefore, brothers and sister, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” (Hebrews 10:19-22). We can enter and enjoy God’s presence without any barriers, not the barrier of our sinful state, not the barrier of a curtain separating the Holy Place in the temple.
Jesus made it possible for every believer to have a relationship with God that is direct, unique, and personal. We are invited to draw near as friends. We are invited to experience the fullness of joy in God’s presence.
It is a huge gift to be able to draw near to God, the creator of the universe, in such an intimate way that it may get lost on us, and we take it for granted. With the coming of the Holy Spirit to abide with and in us, we commune with God and God with us in a way that surpasses even the experiences of the giants of the Bible we discussed earlier. We have been given a special gift and opportunity to draw near to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in a personal, joyful, fulfilling and loving relationship. That deserves our praise offering of thanksgiving, Amen!
Recognizing a path to draw near to God in a customized and unique way
Think about a time when you felt especially close to God. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to guide our thoughts and recollections. Perhaps you sensed God’s presence. Maybe you felt a deep peace that passes understanding. Possibly it was a sense of warmth, comfort, or a deep “wellness” in your soul. Perhaps you experienced inexpressible joy, or were moved by beauty, or you felt deeply loved. Maybe you became aware of a truth or insight that inspired you. Conceivably it was an experience that you can’t fully explain, and you didn’t feel particularly churchy, but somehow it felt spiritual, and you were moved by it.
As the Holy Spirit brings an experience or moment to mind, hold it and examine it. What was happening? Where were you? What was the circumstance? Remember it and deepen into it.
Whatever comes up for you is an indication of how God has uniquely wired you to connect with God. If nothing specific has come to mind, that is OK. Keep listening as we explore the unique ways for connecting with God. Perhaps, one or more of them will resonate with you.
“Sacred Pathways - Nine Ways to Connect with God”, book by Gary Thomas
This book is a life changing book that explores nine different spiritual temperaments. It gives us insights into how we are naturally wired to connect with God for an intimate relationship. Just like the uniqueness of our fingerprints, each of us connects with God in our own special way. This message will explore three of the nine temperaments in the pathway grouping called Wonder. Next week’s message will continue with the rest of the temperaments in the pathway groups called Contemplation and Action.
Short assessment of all nine paths on the church website
You are invited and encouraged to take the “Connecting with God” assessment on our church website, www.sobcc.org. It is a short quiz that will give you a profile of where you stand for all nine paths. You may be surprised what you learn about yourself and the mix of paths, since we do not experience just one path of spiritual practices.
We often teach all people to do one set of spiritual practices that look exactly the same. That can lead to trouble because God is much more creative. Spiritual practices will resonate differently.
Three temperaments in the group called Pathways of Wonder
The three temperaments we are exploring today are grouped under what is called the “Pathways of Wonder.” Those with the “Pathway of Wonder” temperaments are followers of Jesus who draw near to God as they experience the joy of God’s presence. They grow to love God more through the wonder, awe, and amazement of who God is, what God does, and all God has made. Perhaps that is you.
Naturalist spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
Naturalists feel closeness and intimacy in creation. Naturalists say, “Let me be outdoors.” They feel closest to God in nature. When they are outdoors, surrounded by what God has made, Naturalists discover spiritual truths and insights as they celebrate God’s majesty, beauty, power, and creativity. Naturalists can feel the breadth of God in a breeze, hear his voice in a babbling brook, and feel God’s intense love in the beauty of a sunrise, a sunset, a meadow, or in a botanical garden. They are able to draw near to God and God draws near to them because God is deeply present and speaks through his creation.
David was a naturalist. Creation was one of the ways he connected with God. David wrote the following Psalm as well as many other Psalms that speak of nature: “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth and their words to the world” (Psalms 19:1-4). Recall that David was the one who spoke of green pastures and still waters restoring his soul. Why did they restore his soul? Because he drew near and experienced the Lord his Shepherd in creation.
A poem turned into lyrics written in 1885 by a naturalist Swedish minister became one of the world’s greatest hymns. Verse 1: “O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder consider all the works thy hand has made, I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power thru-out the universe displayed!” Verse 2: “When thru the woods and forest glades I wander and hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees, when I look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.” The chorus says it all about his experience of drawing close to God in nature: “Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee; How great Thou art, how great Thou art!”
If we take Minister Paula Fuller’s challenge to heart, what are some things for a naturalist to try in the next 90 days to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way? Suggestions for naturalists are: (1) read your bible and pray outdoors; (2) meditate on the greatness of creation (God’s power, abundance, creativity, and care); (3) go for a walk or hike with God; (4) find a restorative spot and simply be with God as a companion; (5) bring nature indoors; (6) be aware God is present and draw near.
Sensate spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
A Sensate feels closest to God through senses - what they hear, see, touch, taste, or smell. They declare, “Let me experience.”
Henri Nouwen, a Sensate, was a priest, theologian, and prolific writer on the spiritual life. When Nouwen saw a reproduction of Rembrandt’s famous painting, “The Return of the Prodigal Son,” he was stunned by the painting’s power and beauty. Nouwen wrote a book on how the painting touched the deep ongoing yearning of the spirit within him and set in motion a long spiritual adventure that brought a new understanding to his calling and the strength to live into it. That was a spiritual encounter with God through the sense of sight that drew Nouwen closer to God. Others who view the same painting may not experience the same impact. This shows us that God connects with each of us in different ways.
Drawing closer to God can also happen through the senses of sound, touch, smell, and taste. For example, in Ezekiel’s vision, God tells him to eat the scroll symbolizing how the Words of God may be hard to receive, but the words are ultimately so satisfying. “The voice said to me, ‘Son of man, eat what I am giving you—eat this scroll! Then go and give its message to the people of Israel.’ So I opened my mouth, and he fed me the scroll. ‘Fill your stomach with this,’ he said. And when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth” (Ezekiel 3:1-3). Although for Ezekiel, this was a vision and metaphor, some feel closest to God through senses and the physical. A sensate can be moved to joy and the presence of God through art, architecture, music, movement, smells, and body movement. For Sensates, real bread for Holy Communion is a holy and spiritual experience.
In drawing near to God, suggestions for a sensate are: (1) sing or play an instrument to draw near; (2) listen to an audio Bible or beautiful music; (3) memorize scripture by putting it to music; (4) use incense during prayer or bible reading; (5) use a prayer cloth, beads, or prayer object; (6) vary prayer postures or do body prayer; (7) act out scripture or dance; (8) meditate on beautiful art, draw, color; (9) be aware of God’s presence when you say grace and eat slowly.
Traditionalist spiritual temperament in the Pathway to Wonders grouping
Traditionalists feel closest to God through rituals (repetitive structures), symbols (significant images), and tradition (historical significance). A Traditionalist declares, “Let me remember.” Some feel comfort and God’s presence with rituals, symbols, and traditions that have been passes down for centuries, like certain hymns, certain prayer times and church service structures, and the holiness of sacraments, such as baptism and communion. They help us remember and serve as anchors for connecting with God again and again.
Abraham is a good example of a traditionalist who formalized the structure and rhythm of his faith to remember by building altars wherever God led him to go. “The Lord appeared to Abram and said, ‘To your offspring I will give this land.’ So he built an altar there to the Lord, who had appeared to him. From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent, with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. There he built an altar to the Lord and called on the name of the Lord" (Genesis 12:7-8). “So Abram went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron, where he pitched his tents. There he built an altar to the Lord” (Genesis 13:18). Traditionalists often connect with God through structures and can feel God’s presence in ways that others may consider too formal or legalistic. That’s why we have to be sensitive to the fact that we all have different ways of connecting with God. What may be meaningful for one, may feel like a ritual for another.
In drawing near to God, suggestions for a traditionalist are: (1) establish a scriptural rhythm reading a Psalm each morning and each night; (2) explore the richness of the Christian calendar – Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost; (3) set a daily pattern for a prayer schedule; (4) establish a regular time and place to meet God each day; (5) consider symbols such as art, jewelry, stickers that will help you draw near to God.
Application for Activation
From the beginning of time, God has wanted to be close to creation. God desires a personal and intimate relationship with each one of us, and we are all wired differently in a beautiful mixture of spiritual temperaments. We are not just one thing. That’s how God made us. Jesus made it possible for us to draw near to God and not to get lost or focus on the pathway. We connect with God in a way that draws us near to God’s presence where there is fullness of joy.
When we receive these paths as gifts from God, paths to connect, and draw near because God is always at the center of it all, we find a deepening love relationship and the fullness of joy in God’s presence. You can enjoy nature, get lost in art, and enjoy structure and ritual without God.
Let us make every effort with intentionality; that is our part. The Holy Spirit meets us, calls us, and enables us; that is God’s part.
Sermon Preamble
-What is your testimony about the joy you have felt from knowing the presence of God, the provisions of God, and the opportunity to draw closer to God even in difficult circumstances?
How do we connect with God?
-What did Jesus say is the first and most important commandment? Being near to God and doing for God are both important and linked. When have you experienced the truth that being with God in a closer relationship from drawing near to God in loving God with all your heart, soul, and strength results naturally in doing things for God? Why are some items we feel are “doing for God” not resulting in a satisfying relationship for us or for God?
God’s invites us to draw near, as God is near to us
-When have you experienced yourself drawing closer to God, and God shows that God is intimately close to you?
-We live in a fallen world system in opposition to God. Deism was prominent in the Western World in the years leading up to the founding of the United States. Deism believes that God is the original creator but detached from the world without any active involvement in the world – like a watchmaker that makes the watch and has the watch run on its own. Many Founding Fathers of the United States who were the primary authors of our country’s founding documents were deists, including Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Ben Franklin. Why may it be significant that major founders of the United States believed that God is creator, but not near to us and without active involvement in the world? What is the possible impact of this concept of a far away, detached God on slavery and systems of oppression in the United States?
Jesus embodies friendship
-Why is it significant that Jesus had fellowship with followers (including women) of Jesus characterized by relationship among friends, and not a master-servant relationship? What is the difference?
Jesus demonstrated a new intimacy with God not seen before
-Why does trust, often illustrated by a child trusting the parent, so important in the close relationship between God and the children of God no matter how old they are?
Jesus’ entire life, death, and resurrection was God restoring a close personal relationship with God’s children
-Because of the work of Jesus accomplished in His life, death, and resurrection, in what ways do we have the opportunity to surpass even close relationships of God with Biblical giants that is direct, unique, and personal?
-In what ways can you praise God for the grace of this relationship no matter what in any difficult circumstances?
Recognizing a path to draw near to God in a customized and unique way
-As the Holy Spirit guides your thoughts and recollections to help you recognize a customized and unique path to draw near to God, how did you hold and examine what the Holy Spirit brought to your mind?
Short assessment of all nine paths on the church website
-If you completed the short quiz of all nine paths on the church website, what results of the assessment, if any, did you not expect?
Naturalist spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Naturalist spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Naturalist spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Sensate spiritual temperament in the Pathways of Wonder grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Sensate spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Sensate spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Traditionalist spiritual temperament in the Pathway to Wonders grouping
-What aspect, if any, of the Traditionalist spiritual temperament resonates with you? If the Traditionalist spiritual temperament resonates with you, what suggestion to make every effort to draw near to God and meet God in a fresh way will you try in the next 90 days?
Application for Activation
-What is the difference between activities like enjoying nature, getting lost in art, and enjoying structure and ritual, but without God at the central core of it all, and those activities when God and guidance of the Holy Spirit is the central core of all these activities?
Posted in Stand Alone Sermon
Posted in near God, connect, Genesis 5, Isaiah 41, James 4, Psalms 16, friend, women, intimate with God, Hebrews 10, Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas, Pathway of Wonder, Naturalist, creation, How graeat thou art, Sensate, senses, Henri Nouwen, Ezekiel 3, traditionalist, altar, deist, deism
Posted in near God, connect, Genesis 5, Isaiah 41, James 4, Psalms 16, friend, women, intimate with God, Hebrews 10, Sacred Pathways, Gary Thomas, Pathway of Wonder, Naturalist, creation, How graeat thou art, Sensate, senses, Henri Nouwen, Ezekiel 3, traditionalist, altar, deist, deism
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