A B.L.E.S.S. Christmas : Eat Together - Serve with Love
Copyright: South Bay Community Church
Sermon Reflections: Eat Together - Serve with Love
Date: 10th December 2023
Speaker: Lead Pastor: Tammy Long
Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:44-47
Sermon Reflections: Eat Together - Serve with Love
Date: 10th December 2023
Speaker: Lead Pastor: Tammy Long
Sermon Scripture: Acts 2:44-47
Sermon Preamble
God is inviting us to embrace the sentiment, sounds, and sharing of this Christmas season as Jesus’ witnesses of light and love. Now we continue our series of messages “A B.L.E.S.S. Christmas.” The past two sermons explored “B” Begin with prayer and “L” Listen with care. The focus of this message is on the “E” in B.L.E.S.S., which is Eat together and the first “S,” which is Serve with love. B.L.E.S.S. practices are a way of life and a way of seeing the world through Kingdom of God eyes. We love God with all our might, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Out of that love, we invite others to also love God and their neighbor through Jesus. As we do, God does a work of transformation in them and in us. This work of transformation makes us more and more like Jesus. Sometimes it is fun; sometimes it is hard work. But it is worth the effort. So let us continue to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas.
We remember and celebrate the first coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace
Micah’s prophetic words rang true when he wrote: He will surely become great throughout the earth: He will become one of Peace. (Micah 5:4b-5a). Jesus is the Prince of Peace, offering Peace with God and Peace with each other that we all desperately need. As Jesus’ followers, we are to be agents of peace. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). We are to be ambassadors of peace, inviting people to experience the peace Jesus came to offer as Emmanuel (God with us in the personal union of the human nature and the divine in Christ). Our world needs to hear and see the Good News of Peace in words and deeds.
This is what a B.L.E.S.S. Christmas is all about. It’s about engaging the sights and sounds of the Christmas season to share God’s love in words and in deeds. An example is when we went caroling next door. We sought to BLESS the community. Let’s review some examples of B.L.E.S.S. in action starting with the “B” for Begin with prayer.
Beginning with prayer inspires one member to give gifts to neighbors
One member shared that after beginning with prayer, his group felt led to connect with their neighbors. , He reached out to neighbors, but they never really talked. So he is taking the initiative with an unusual Christmas gift. He thought about giving the devotional booklet from our church, but felt that was too soon in the relationship. He did not want to turn them off. Instead, he gave six of his neighbors this simple gift: a Strawberry Garden in a can. The can says just add sun and water to enjoy! The website has other gardens: a Silent Night/Holy Night Garden, a Happy Holidays Garden with a peppermint plant, and a Kwanza Garden. The point is that these gifts are different and a creative way to connect. He began with prayer (B), and he is following the lead of the Holy Spirit for the doors God may open for him to share.
Listen with care in reaching out to each other
The “L” in B.L.E.S.S. we explored last week is for Listen with care. This gives us courage to reach out to each other and really listen to someone who is in pain and hurting. As we begin with prayer and listen with care, we partner with God for what God wants to do. Through Jesus, we can bring peace, show His love, and draw people to Him.
Today’s focus scripture is Acts 2:44-47 describing the Kingdom of God at work
Jesus just needs willing agents who B.L.E.S.S. and invite the Holy Spirit to move. Luke, the writer of Acts, has captured a moment in time that is exciting and contagious. It is a snapshot of the Kingdom of God at work on earth. “And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47). This narrative comes right after Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on those gathered in Jerusalem from all around the region. They heard the gospel of Jesus in their own languages without an interpreter. Just a few verses before, scripture says that those who accepted Peter’s message were baptized. About three thousand accepted Jesus as Lord that day.
The move of the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers
The Holy Spirit moved unlike it had ever moved before. This move manifested a new community of believers. This community of many nations, cultures, and languages never should have gotten along or enjoyed one another. Because the power of God was in their midst, this community was born and began to flourish.
They met together and shared everything they had. They worshipped God together in both large and small group experiences. They shared the Lord’s supper and ate meals together with great joy and generosity. All the while, they praised God and enjoyed the good will of the people.
It may not be realistic to think that we can replicate that exact experience in actual practice today. In principle, that is what the family of God is all about. It is the essence and the ethos of what life together looks like for followers of Jesus living by the Holy Spirit. It is a reflection of life in the Kingdom of God in loving God and loving one another in joyous and generous community. When true worship of God is at the center, the natural outgrowth is a loving community. God’s vision is for there to be a special bond of love between the people of God in community together.
B.L.E.S.S. practices put God at the center and the world takes notice
When the community is functioning and flourishing with God at the center, the world takes notice. We all hunger for places of belonging, acceptance, fellowship, friendship, and caring. Notice that Acts 2: 47 records, “And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” In the special fellowship, there are shared experiences, such as eating together and the care of serving with love one another and those in need.
The 1st Century Church engaged others with the very same B.L.E.S.S. practices we are practicing today. They were praying. They were listening. They were eating together. They were serving one another. They were sharing the story of the Good News of Jesus. And the Lord added to their fellowship. They simply did B.L.E.S.S. practices, and God did the rest. We could hang there and discuss the joy of spiritual community, but let us keep focused on our two letters of B.L.E.S.S. for today: “E” for Eat together and “S” for Serve with love.
Eat together for spiritual and relational nourishment, not just for physical nourishment
Eating together is so much more than food consumption. All around the world, eating together reinforces cultural and family values and friendship. Research has found that when families eat together, children do better in school, teenage mental health is improved, and they have a more positive outlook on the future.
The joy and benefits of eating together goes back thousands of years. All through the Bible, eating is an expression of hospitality. Eating was one of the primary ways relationships were established, deepened, and enjoyed.
Jesus often dined. Someone wrote as a chuckle that when you follow Jesus in the Bible, Jesus is either going to a meal, or coming from a meal. It is clear that eating together was central in those days. Many times Jesus was eating with people like the religious leaders with whom Jesus had a problem. But Jesus did not care. He demonstrated His love by creating a welcoming space around the table.
Perhaps this is why Jesus used a meal to explain the fellowship we have with him the breaking of his body and the sacrifice of his blood, as the bread and the wine. This communion meal we continue to this day.
A meal is the visual of the fellowship we will enjoy with Jesus in heaven around His banquet table. This is the wedding supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9).
Shared meals and eating together is just as much about spiritual and relational nourishment as it is physical nourishment. When we invite others to join us around the table to eat together as a B.L.E.S.S. practice, we create holy spaces for fellowship, unity, sharing, and listening. Around the table, we can get to know each other. We share highs and lows of the day, joys, dreams and aspirations. Around the table, we can learn from one another and connect heart to heart.
When we gather around the table and eat together, Jesus is right there with us, through His Spirit. Jesus still enjoys a good meal with us!
In this Christmas season, we will do a lot of eating. There is good news that according to a research review published by the Journal of Obesity, the average weight gain during the holidays is from 0.8 to just under 2 pounds, not the myth of weight gains of 5-10 pounds during the Christmas season. This can become a problem when the extra pound or two sticks around after the holidays and repeats year after year. However, that is why we exercise!
So let us be intentional to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas season, by inviting someone to break bread with us and Jesus. Let’s eat together and share the love of Christ around the table with Jesus.
As we continue hearing God’s invitation to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas, we are going to discuss the “S” of Serve with love. South Bay Community Church is a serving church, which reflects God’s heart. God is in the midst and something special happens when we serve others with love. Something happens for those we are serving, and something happens in us. For the second half of God’s Word for us in this message, Nita Owens, our Mission Coordinator, is coming to share with us her experiences serving in India.
Serve with love for each other; message by Nita Owens on the Re-visons Mission trip to India
The Re-visions Mission Group, sponsored by our Evangelical Covenant Denomination, was a ten day learning opportunity serving in India. This Re-visions Mission Group was under the guidance of Pastor Akshay of the Hindustani Covenant Church in India. Nita was one of nine women from different parts of the United States. Some of the nine women knew each other, but most, including Nita, were meeting for the first time.
Re-vision trips provide a deeper understanding of missional themes in cultures around the world. These themes include human trafficking, relief and development ministry, refugee ministry, urban ministry, and peace and reconciliation ministries.
The purpose of the trip is for mission leaders to find ways their congregations can engage and invest in these global concerns with our global partners. The trip was a learning opportunity, not a Re-visions Mission Group to directly serving the people. What emerged is that they were serving each other. They engaged in BLESS practices with each other throughout the 10 days together. Every day began with prayer. They listened to each other with care. The B.L.E.S.S. practices got them through their long days of traveling together. Their love for God was manifested in the way they served and cared for each other.
Nita said that their time of eating together three times a day for 10 days allowed them to unwind, check in with each other, share what they experienced, and sometimes console one another.
The environment of India was challenging. Time difference, heat, mosquitos, hot dusty and dry weather, and some digestive issues presented challenges.
Throughout her time in India with the Re-visions Mission Group, Nita felt conflicted and convicted. She felt conflicted because she did not know the extent of the problems and situations that she would encounter. She felt convicted because she came to the realization that God knew, and the Hindustani Covenant Church was at work in all instances.
The teaching style of Pastor Akshay was thorough and focused. Pastor Akshay had the group experience firsthand the community’s needs. Then he showed the group how the Hindustani Church is working to resolve the needs and problems in the community.
When God wants you to grow, God often makes you uncomfortable
One of the projects the Re-visions Mission Group experienced addresses children working in a massive landfill in Pune, searching for any item of value to pull from the rubbish. It is a dangerous activity that poses numerous health risks that even prevents the children from attending school. The Re-visions Mission Group went to the dump site to see. Nita was so uncomfortable that she did not want to descend into the dump. As Nita got out of the van, there were flies, rabid dogs, and cows all over. Cows are sacred in India; the cows are treated like pets, not as the source of filet mignon.
Another project for the Re-visions Mission Group to observe was human trafficking in the Red Light District.
God communicated to always look at the situation through the eyes of God for a different perspective and relief from anxiety
No matter how dire the circumstances, God is always there at your side. The Psalmist declared to God in Psalm 139:5. “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” In moments of confusion and busyness, God knows which way we are going and is there to protect us – even when we don’t see God. Regardless of where or when, God provides the hedge of protection.
Lessons in challenging circumstances
When we don’t listen well, we can miss the ways God is moving. In feelings of uncertainty or anxiety, press the reset button of a Breath Prayer. We should remind ourselves that we are to serve. Trust that God will get you through situations and feelings of being uncomfortable. In experiencing another culture, realize that our nation has similar problems and that we serve the same God. Love comes in all languages.
Selfless serving with love
When you serve with love, you are selfless. Being selfless removes inhibitions. Be concerned more with the needs and wishes of others rather than your own needs. “Above all, keep loving each other earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
Conclusion by Pastor Tammy Long
As followers of Jesus, we are invited to go and make disciples and be God’s witnesses. God is drawing us closer to God and one another. BLESS practices are a way of life and a way of seeing the world through Kingdom of God eyes. We love God with all our might, and love our neighbor as our selves. Out of that love, we invite others to also love God and neighbor through Jesus. As we do, God does a work of transformation in them and in us. This work of transformation makes us more and more like Jesus. Sometimes it is fun; sometimes it is hard work. But it is worth the effort. So let us continue to BLESS this Christmas.
Sermon Preamble
-When we eat together and serve with love, what beneficial changes have you noticed within yourself that have helped you be more like God and Jesus?
We remember and celebrate the first coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace
-In what ways can you covey to others the Peace with God and the Peace with others that the people of the world so desperately need?
Beginning with prayer inspires one member to give gifts to neighbors
-As you begin with prayer, what is God inviting you to do to embrace the special opportunities of the sentiments, sounds, and sharing during this Christmas season?
Listen with care in reaching out to each other
-As you listen with care to those with a need, how can we reach out to each other for mutual support in dealing with pains and hurts in our situations?
Today’s focus scripture is Acts 2:44-47 describing the Kingdom of God at work
-In what ways did the 1st Century followers of Jesus do the spiritual practice of B.L.E.S.S. as recorded in Acts 2:44-47?
The move of the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers
-What actions of 1st Century followers of Jesus in partnering with God and the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers? What barriers in the world system could have prevented forming a community across national, ethnic, cultural, and racial dividing lines?
B.L.E.S.S. practices put God at the center and the world takes notice
-What evidence do you see that people of the world today are hungering for places of belonging, acceptance, fellowship, friendship, and caring?
Eat together for spiritual and relational nourishment, not just for physical nourishment
-In what ways does eating together provide nourishment spiritually and in our relationships, not just physical?
Serve with love for each other; message by Nita Owens on the Re-visons Mission trip to India
-In what ways did the Re-visions Mission Group serve each other in love to prepare them to serve with other global partners in addressing global concerns?
When God wants you to grow, God often makes you uncomfortable
-From the testimony of Nita Owens, in what ways was she uncomfortable? How did this lead to her spiritual growth? In your life journey, has being out of your comfort zone led to your spiritual growth?
God communicated to always look at the situation through the eyes of God for a different perspective and relief from anxiety.
-Why is it so important to you that no matter how dire your circumstances, God is always there at your side?
Lessons in dealing with challenging circumstances
-From the testimony of Nita Owens, what things did she learn about herself? How have you learned about yourself in dealing with challenging circumstances?
Selfless serving with love
-In serving with love, in what ways can we be selfless and not dominated by selfish pride?
Conclusion by Pastor Tammy Long
-What is your testimony on whether the transformation to be more like God and Jesus is worth it in your life?
God is inviting us to embrace the sentiment, sounds, and sharing of this Christmas season as Jesus’ witnesses of light and love. Now we continue our series of messages “A B.L.E.S.S. Christmas.” The past two sermons explored “B” Begin with prayer and “L” Listen with care. The focus of this message is on the “E” in B.L.E.S.S., which is Eat together and the first “S,” which is Serve with love. B.L.E.S.S. practices are a way of life and a way of seeing the world through Kingdom of God eyes. We love God with all our might, and love our neighbor as ourselves. Out of that love, we invite others to also love God and their neighbor through Jesus. As we do, God does a work of transformation in them and in us. This work of transformation makes us more and more like Jesus. Sometimes it is fun; sometimes it is hard work. But it is worth the effort. So let us continue to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas.
We remember and celebrate the first coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace
Micah’s prophetic words rang true when he wrote: He will surely become great throughout the earth: He will become one of Peace. (Micah 5:4b-5a). Jesus is the Prince of Peace, offering Peace with God and Peace with each other that we all desperately need. As Jesus’ followers, we are to be agents of peace. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God” (Matthew 5:9). We are to be ambassadors of peace, inviting people to experience the peace Jesus came to offer as Emmanuel (God with us in the personal union of the human nature and the divine in Christ). Our world needs to hear and see the Good News of Peace in words and deeds.
This is what a B.L.E.S.S. Christmas is all about. It’s about engaging the sights and sounds of the Christmas season to share God’s love in words and in deeds. An example is when we went caroling next door. We sought to BLESS the community. Let’s review some examples of B.L.E.S.S. in action starting with the “B” for Begin with prayer.
Beginning with prayer inspires one member to give gifts to neighbors
One member shared that after beginning with prayer, his group felt led to connect with their neighbors. , He reached out to neighbors, but they never really talked. So he is taking the initiative with an unusual Christmas gift. He thought about giving the devotional booklet from our church, but felt that was too soon in the relationship. He did not want to turn them off. Instead, he gave six of his neighbors this simple gift: a Strawberry Garden in a can. The can says just add sun and water to enjoy! The website has other gardens: a Silent Night/Holy Night Garden, a Happy Holidays Garden with a peppermint plant, and a Kwanza Garden. The point is that these gifts are different and a creative way to connect. He began with prayer (B), and he is following the lead of the Holy Spirit for the doors God may open for him to share.
Listen with care in reaching out to each other
The “L” in B.L.E.S.S. we explored last week is for Listen with care. This gives us courage to reach out to each other and really listen to someone who is in pain and hurting. As we begin with prayer and listen with care, we partner with God for what God wants to do. Through Jesus, we can bring peace, show His love, and draw people to Him.
Today’s focus scripture is Acts 2:44-47 describing the Kingdom of God at work
Jesus just needs willing agents who B.L.E.S.S. and invite the Holy Spirit to move. Luke, the writer of Acts, has captured a moment in time that is exciting and contagious. It is a snapshot of the Kingdom of God at work on earth. “And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:44-47). This narrative comes right after Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on those gathered in Jerusalem from all around the region. They heard the gospel of Jesus in their own languages without an interpreter. Just a few verses before, scripture says that those who accepted Peter’s message were baptized. About three thousand accepted Jesus as Lord that day.
The move of the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers
The Holy Spirit moved unlike it had ever moved before. This move manifested a new community of believers. This community of many nations, cultures, and languages never should have gotten along or enjoyed one another. Because the power of God was in their midst, this community was born and began to flourish.
They met together and shared everything they had. They worshipped God together in both large and small group experiences. They shared the Lord’s supper and ate meals together with great joy and generosity. All the while, they praised God and enjoyed the good will of the people.
It may not be realistic to think that we can replicate that exact experience in actual practice today. In principle, that is what the family of God is all about. It is the essence and the ethos of what life together looks like for followers of Jesus living by the Holy Spirit. It is a reflection of life in the Kingdom of God in loving God and loving one another in joyous and generous community. When true worship of God is at the center, the natural outgrowth is a loving community. God’s vision is for there to be a special bond of love between the people of God in community together.
B.L.E.S.S. practices put God at the center and the world takes notice
When the community is functioning and flourishing with God at the center, the world takes notice. We all hunger for places of belonging, acceptance, fellowship, friendship, and caring. Notice that Acts 2: 47 records, “And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.” In the special fellowship, there are shared experiences, such as eating together and the care of serving with love one another and those in need.
The 1st Century Church engaged others with the very same B.L.E.S.S. practices we are practicing today. They were praying. They were listening. They were eating together. They were serving one another. They were sharing the story of the Good News of Jesus. And the Lord added to their fellowship. They simply did B.L.E.S.S. practices, and God did the rest. We could hang there and discuss the joy of spiritual community, but let us keep focused on our two letters of B.L.E.S.S. for today: “E” for Eat together and “S” for Serve with love.
Eat together for spiritual and relational nourishment, not just for physical nourishment
Eating together is so much more than food consumption. All around the world, eating together reinforces cultural and family values and friendship. Research has found that when families eat together, children do better in school, teenage mental health is improved, and they have a more positive outlook on the future.
The joy and benefits of eating together goes back thousands of years. All through the Bible, eating is an expression of hospitality. Eating was one of the primary ways relationships were established, deepened, and enjoyed.
Jesus often dined. Someone wrote as a chuckle that when you follow Jesus in the Bible, Jesus is either going to a meal, or coming from a meal. It is clear that eating together was central in those days. Many times Jesus was eating with people like the religious leaders with whom Jesus had a problem. But Jesus did not care. He demonstrated His love by creating a welcoming space around the table.
Perhaps this is why Jesus used a meal to explain the fellowship we have with him the breaking of his body and the sacrifice of his blood, as the bread and the wine. This communion meal we continue to this day.
A meal is the visual of the fellowship we will enjoy with Jesus in heaven around His banquet table. This is the wedding supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9).
Shared meals and eating together is just as much about spiritual and relational nourishment as it is physical nourishment. When we invite others to join us around the table to eat together as a B.L.E.S.S. practice, we create holy spaces for fellowship, unity, sharing, and listening. Around the table, we can get to know each other. We share highs and lows of the day, joys, dreams and aspirations. Around the table, we can learn from one another and connect heart to heart.
When we gather around the table and eat together, Jesus is right there with us, through His Spirit. Jesus still enjoys a good meal with us!
In this Christmas season, we will do a lot of eating. There is good news that according to a research review published by the Journal of Obesity, the average weight gain during the holidays is from 0.8 to just under 2 pounds, not the myth of weight gains of 5-10 pounds during the Christmas season. This can become a problem when the extra pound or two sticks around after the holidays and repeats year after year. However, that is why we exercise!
So let us be intentional to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas season, by inviting someone to break bread with us and Jesus. Let’s eat together and share the love of Christ around the table with Jesus.
As we continue hearing God’s invitation to B.L.E.S.S. this Christmas, we are going to discuss the “S” of Serve with love. South Bay Community Church is a serving church, which reflects God’s heart. God is in the midst and something special happens when we serve others with love. Something happens for those we are serving, and something happens in us. For the second half of God’s Word for us in this message, Nita Owens, our Mission Coordinator, is coming to share with us her experiences serving in India.
Serve with love for each other; message by Nita Owens on the Re-visons Mission trip to India
The Re-visions Mission Group, sponsored by our Evangelical Covenant Denomination, was a ten day learning opportunity serving in India. This Re-visions Mission Group was under the guidance of Pastor Akshay of the Hindustani Covenant Church in India. Nita was one of nine women from different parts of the United States. Some of the nine women knew each other, but most, including Nita, were meeting for the first time.
Re-vision trips provide a deeper understanding of missional themes in cultures around the world. These themes include human trafficking, relief and development ministry, refugee ministry, urban ministry, and peace and reconciliation ministries.
The purpose of the trip is for mission leaders to find ways their congregations can engage and invest in these global concerns with our global partners. The trip was a learning opportunity, not a Re-visions Mission Group to directly serving the people. What emerged is that they were serving each other. They engaged in BLESS practices with each other throughout the 10 days together. Every day began with prayer. They listened to each other with care. The B.L.E.S.S. practices got them through their long days of traveling together. Their love for God was manifested in the way they served and cared for each other.
Nita said that their time of eating together three times a day for 10 days allowed them to unwind, check in with each other, share what they experienced, and sometimes console one another.
The environment of India was challenging. Time difference, heat, mosquitos, hot dusty and dry weather, and some digestive issues presented challenges.
Throughout her time in India with the Re-visions Mission Group, Nita felt conflicted and convicted. She felt conflicted because she did not know the extent of the problems and situations that she would encounter. She felt convicted because she came to the realization that God knew, and the Hindustani Covenant Church was at work in all instances.
The teaching style of Pastor Akshay was thorough and focused. Pastor Akshay had the group experience firsthand the community’s needs. Then he showed the group how the Hindustani Church is working to resolve the needs and problems in the community.
When God wants you to grow, God often makes you uncomfortable
One of the projects the Re-visions Mission Group experienced addresses children working in a massive landfill in Pune, searching for any item of value to pull from the rubbish. It is a dangerous activity that poses numerous health risks that even prevents the children from attending school. The Re-visions Mission Group went to the dump site to see. Nita was so uncomfortable that she did not want to descend into the dump. As Nita got out of the van, there were flies, rabid dogs, and cows all over. Cows are sacred in India; the cows are treated like pets, not as the source of filet mignon.
Another project for the Re-visions Mission Group to observe was human trafficking in the Red Light District.
God communicated to always look at the situation through the eyes of God for a different perspective and relief from anxiety
No matter how dire the circumstances, God is always there at your side. The Psalmist declared to God in Psalm 139:5. “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” In moments of confusion and busyness, God knows which way we are going and is there to protect us – even when we don’t see God. Regardless of where or when, God provides the hedge of protection.
Lessons in challenging circumstances
When we don’t listen well, we can miss the ways God is moving. In feelings of uncertainty or anxiety, press the reset button of a Breath Prayer. We should remind ourselves that we are to serve. Trust that God will get you through situations and feelings of being uncomfortable. In experiencing another culture, realize that our nation has similar problems and that we serve the same God. Love comes in all languages.
Selfless serving with love
When you serve with love, you are selfless. Being selfless removes inhibitions. Be concerned more with the needs and wishes of others rather than your own needs. “Above all, keep loving each other earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8).
Conclusion by Pastor Tammy Long
As followers of Jesus, we are invited to go and make disciples and be God’s witnesses. God is drawing us closer to God and one another. BLESS practices are a way of life and a way of seeing the world through Kingdom of God eyes. We love God with all our might, and love our neighbor as our selves. Out of that love, we invite others to also love God and neighbor through Jesus. As we do, God does a work of transformation in them and in us. This work of transformation makes us more and more like Jesus. Sometimes it is fun; sometimes it is hard work. But it is worth the effort. So let us continue to BLESS this Christmas.
Sermon Preamble
-When we eat together and serve with love, what beneficial changes have you noticed within yourself that have helped you be more like God and Jesus?
We remember and celebrate the first coming of Jesus, the Prince of Peace
-In what ways can you covey to others the Peace with God and the Peace with others that the people of the world so desperately need?
Beginning with prayer inspires one member to give gifts to neighbors
-As you begin with prayer, what is God inviting you to do to embrace the special opportunities of the sentiments, sounds, and sharing during this Christmas season?
Listen with care in reaching out to each other
-As you listen with care to those with a need, how can we reach out to each other for mutual support in dealing with pains and hurts in our situations?
Today’s focus scripture is Acts 2:44-47 describing the Kingdom of God at work
-In what ways did the 1st Century followers of Jesus do the spiritual practice of B.L.E.S.S. as recorded in Acts 2:44-47?
The move of the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers
-What actions of 1st Century followers of Jesus in partnering with God and the Holy Spirit resulted in a new community of believers? What barriers in the world system could have prevented forming a community across national, ethnic, cultural, and racial dividing lines?
B.L.E.S.S. practices put God at the center and the world takes notice
-What evidence do you see that people of the world today are hungering for places of belonging, acceptance, fellowship, friendship, and caring?
Eat together for spiritual and relational nourishment, not just for physical nourishment
-In what ways does eating together provide nourishment spiritually and in our relationships, not just physical?
Serve with love for each other; message by Nita Owens on the Re-visons Mission trip to India
-In what ways did the Re-visions Mission Group serve each other in love to prepare them to serve with other global partners in addressing global concerns?
When God wants you to grow, God often makes you uncomfortable
-From the testimony of Nita Owens, in what ways was she uncomfortable? How did this lead to her spiritual growth? In your life journey, has being out of your comfort zone led to your spiritual growth?
God communicated to always look at the situation through the eyes of God for a different perspective and relief from anxiety.
-Why is it so important to you that no matter how dire your circumstances, God is always there at your side?
Lessons in dealing with challenging circumstances
-From the testimony of Nita Owens, what things did she learn about herself? How have you learned about yourself in dealing with challenging circumstances?
Selfless serving with love
-In serving with love, in what ways can we be selfless and not dominated by selfish pride?
Conclusion by Pastor Tammy Long
-What is your testimony on whether the transformation to be more like God and Jesus is worth it in your life?
Posted in A B.L.E.S.S. Christmas
Posted in B.L.E.S. S., Christmas, peace, peacemaker, prayer, listen, Acts 2, Holy Spirit, community, eat, communion, Revelation 19:9, serve, spiritually grow, uncomfortable, selfless
Posted in B.L.E.S. S., Christmas, peace, peacemaker, prayer, listen, Acts 2, Holy Spirit, community, eat, communion, Revelation 19:9, serve, spiritually grow, uncomfortable, selfless
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